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Search Results: taxi

Today’s Office: Reception / Lino

Today’s office alternates between the elegant reception at the Afghanistan consultate in Beijing and the white linoleum of a nearby illy cafe. Despite an early …
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Rank, Order

Shanghai taxi drives ID includes a registration number 111,892 where the lower the number the more earlier the driver was registered. One colleagues opined that …
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Having the Intelligence to Outsmart the Network

Remember when using a map application on a mobile phone was a lesson in frustration and humility? Underperforming hardware, through-a-straw data connection and a choice …
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Today’s Office: Savour. Saviour.

03 Jul 2010
In: Milan, Today's Office
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International day trips have a certain machismo about them – 4am starts trying not to wake sleeping babes whilst tiptoeing out of the hotel room, …
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Personal Content is King

In a world of personal music devices the taxi driver with the audio-in cable is king. Careening around Almaty listening to the driver’s head banging …
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Acceptable Tracking

15 Jun 2010
In: Cultural Norms, Shanghai
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Anyone planning to work in China is required to take undergo health check-up that ranges from eye-tests to HIV and involves a taxi ride into …
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Talk Prep

21 May 2010
In: Berlin, Today's Office
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Red eye from Austin to NYC to Berlin, just enough time to taxi to the hotel, shower and head to the conference venue. Straight off …
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Urban Dances

14 May 2010
In: Cultural Norms, People's Square
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Every country has it’s own nuanced taxi services and China is no different: from the expectation that passengers will use of the front-side seat; a …
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Everyday Bribery

After a week of shuttling to meetings in and around Seattle not one taxi receipt signed by a driver. It is in part, an implicit …
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Positioning & Time Keeping

05 Mar 2010
In: Cultural Norms, Urumqi
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There is but one time in China – 8am is, well, 8am from Beijing to Urumqi and beyond. despite spanning the geographic equivalent of several …
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