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Search Results: taxi

How to Surive the Airport Taxi

If there’s one thing that is likely to raise the stress levels of the think-you’ve-seen-it-all-before business traveler it’s the taxi from the airport to the …
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Four Person Taxi Meter

02 Apr 2010
In: Cultural Norms, Tehran
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When you run a shared taxi service and customers step into and out of your ride at different points of the journey – how to …
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Taxis, Hotels In Beta

25 Apr 2006
In: Shanghai, Today's Office
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Today’s taxi driver from the airport doesn’t like the silence and borrows my headphones for a couple of songs. He pretends to enjoy Public Enemy, …
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Bribing/Incentivising the Driver

15 Jun 2013
In: Cultural Norms, Shanghai
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Private car companies such as Uber provide a tiered service: the black limo provides a superior service at a higher cost than Uberx or regular …
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Mitigating Risk

04 Mar 2013
In: Afghanistan, Research Methods
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Except from the research report: In the Hands of God: A Study of Risk & Savings in Afghanistan co-authored with Cara Silver, Mark Rolston and …
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02 Mar 2013
In: Barcelona, Street Hacks
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Mobile World Congress turns an otherwise interesting city into an overpriced sewer overrun with suits. Have witnessed the inside of more taxis and limos than …
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Yesterday’s Office: About Last Night

The conversation started three hours into the journey and proceeded with a rhythm set by the motion of the train, overlaid with second languages and …
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Profiting from Loss, Theft & Other Sustainable Business Models

I had the good fortune to lose my iPhone 4 this week, left in a taxi whilst juggling small child, the usual thing. In China …
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Morning Ride

16 Mar 2012
In: Bangalore, Today's Office
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Maps as enablers: for a visit to our Bangalore studio – waved down passing motorbike – not a taxi driver, gent on a bike on …
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