Simple Pleasures II

Seoul: subway

This morning’s office is a second story coffee shop – empty save for 5 clubbers sobering up after a night out in somewhere between Sinchon-dong and Hasu-dong. They’re kicking back, shoes off, feet up on sofas smoking, texting, reading, chatting, Korean mixed with a smattering of English – maybe partly because I’m within earshot, but more likely because that’s where the language is coming from. Resisted the temptation to ad-hoc interview.

During yesterday’s contextual interview with a high school student the odd English word crept into his dialog – the end result sounds something like chatatahkaikakahtaikakathathaoakat multi-tasking ahataahhagikdkdiggtintgiadagfasdfoiasdfagoig. Appreciate the little things and the big picture takes care of itself.