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Minya Gonka: What we leave behind

&#171&#171 Next Steps: Flipping The Mirror

This experiment actively engaged with 311+ people and at the time of writing 5088 people were exposed to the tasks through Weibo, TaoBao, San Da Ha, QQ, Zhu Ba Jie, with various degrees of engagement. (A breakdown of people per task here).

With thanks to the local crew, volunteers, constituents and unwitting participants.


This experiment was funded and conducted by myself, Jan Chipchase with logistical support of a local Shanghai based research assistant. I have spent the last decade working at the intersection of design, innovation and strategy. You can learn more about my work here including research and presentations, plus selected media in the New York Times, CNN, The Atlantic and a semi-regular column for China’s Economic Observer here. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Weibo.

I sit on the advisory boards and/or have advisory roles for the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion, Frontline SMS, Makeshift Magazine, The Pecha Kucha Foundation, the Grameen Foundation App Lab and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Once more of this has a chance to play out, and I’ve had a chance to make sense of the data I’ll post updates on this site and ping out on Twitter with the hashtag #redmat.

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