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End of Week

New York: views

Your wednesday is my friday.

If there’s two things about life on the road/sky/waters its that where-ever you are everyone wants a piece of your time; and that with a full schedule days rapidly blur into one another. The respite from a week that has spanned meetings and presentations in London/NYC and Tokyo? The warmth of smart conversations and shared goals; paths aligning with old friends and new; and the instinctual feeling that this is the beginning of something tangental.

Tokyo tomorrow, squeeze in a quick photo-shoot (no-doubt more of which later) and catch up with friends over a long hot sento. Can’t think of anything better than time off the grid in Japan.

So what of this photo? Spent two days locked in the company of smarts, the NYC skyline a backdrop to a birth of something beautiful.

Remember folks, its the journey, not the destination.

See you on the other side.